Welcome to MH AGMK EOTC!

Whether this is your first visit to the site, and want to learn about us or you are coming back to explore further, our website has a lot of useful information to offer. We hope you find the information you are looking for and we invite you to join us for worship at our Church.


The initial idea to establish Mekane Hiwot Abune Gebre Menfes Kidus EOTC (MH AGMK EOTC) started in early 2009. With the Grace of God, the church was consecrated by Abune Abraham and Abune Markos, and started giving service on January 23 2010.

Our first location was at 4540 Memorial Drive in a small rented suite of about 1200 square feet. We acquired our own building and moved to the current location in July 2014.


Atlanta Mekane Hiwot Abune Gebre Menfes Kidus (MH AGMK EOTC) also known as Atlanta Abo is a parish under the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Archdiocese of Washington DC and its surroundings.

The Church is governed by a Parish Council whose objective is to care for the Church, to expand and enrich her services, encourage parishioners to hold firm to the faith and morals of the Christian life as well as to properly administer the finance and property of the church. Parish Council members are elected from Parishioners in good standing and have two year terms.


Atlanta Abo is a parish under the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church; hence our doctrine and cannons are the same as the ecclesiastical Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church of Ethiopia.

For more information, follow this here.


  • Provide spiritual services according to Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church doctrine and cannon

  • Evangelism – Preach the Gospel to the Ethiopian community in/around Atlanta

  • Educate and guide the Youth in EOTC faith and Ethiopian history, language and culture

  • Good governance

  • Assist Churches and Monasteries in Ethiopia

  • Provide assistance to less fortunate/needy families in our community
